Does the world need one more person on a soapbox?

Welcome to my personal soapbox!
Seriously, I created this blog mostly to give visitors to my bird-photo website a place where they can post comments. There was no easy way to do that with the website building program I used for most of my website (Serif’s WebPlus X6), and I certainly didn’t know how to code that sort of thing myself, so I used the WORDPRESS blog feature provided by my web-hosting service (DREAMHOST).
So, please, add comments when-ever and where-ever you wish. I have not come up with any way to associate the comments posted here with specific BOGS photo albums or trip reports, so you will just have to mention in your comments, which album or trip report or birding trip photos you want to comment on.
Even though I created this blog to allow visitors to post comments about my bird-photography, I will undoubtedly use this blog to write articles on subjects of interest to me. You can of course post comments on those too!